Best Practices Video Resources

Best Practices for Informativeness in Clinical Research

This series of informative videos presented by global experts provide detail on each of the DAC Best Practices. Find out more about what the Best Practices are, why are they important, and how implementing them can help you deliver an informative study. The following resources are split into the three DAC aspects – Design, Analyze and Communicate. Browse the videos by each theme below.

(D)AC – Design aspects

1. Prioritize disease burden and epidemiology as criteria for study site selection (click thumbnail to play)


(D)AC – Design aspects

2. Use accepted and validated endpoints whenever possible (click thumbnail to play)


(D)AC – Design aspects

3. Proactively map study outcome to immediate or ultimate policy impact (click thumbnail to play)


(D)AC – Design aspects

4. Rigorously justify effect estimates and prevalence assumptions (click thumbnail to play)


(D)AC – Design aspects

5. Simulate trial to ensure right sample size and optimal design (click thumbnail to play)


(D)AC – Design aspects

6. When feasible and relevant, apply adaptive, pragmatic, platform, or other innovative clinical trial designs (click thumbnail to play)


Please note: Implementors of studies should also always refer to relevant regulatory standards and guidelines (e.g. FDA, EMA) to assist with study/protocol design.